Are your customers happy? What do your customers want or need now? A global crisis like COVID-19 will continue to impact the way we work and live for years to come. If one of your goals is to continue to meet and exceed customer expectations, you should be asking these questions continually.
In this current climate of uncertainty, more and more companies are leveraging customer feedback to amplify successful strategies while making adjustments to correct what might be wrong.
In March 2020 (after the Spring ’20 Release), Salesforce will start enforcing new security policies specifically for Salesforce public sites (,, and Communities). The schedule for rollout will be released in February 2020.
Reducing friction is about delivering a great experience by making the process as simple as possible for your customer. In the year ahead we expect that more businesses will be investing in improving four particular areas to reduce customer friction.
In a note to the company last week, IC’s COO Felisa Palagi shared how Japan delivers perfect service, and how this aligns to IC Way fundamental #4 Walk in Other’s Shoes.
How to use Canned Comments in Salesforce