Salesforce for Government - Archive of IC Blog

Exactly how “secure” is’s CRM platform, do you ask?

Well, it’s trusted enough to guide the business of federal, state and local government into the social era.

As appropriately discussed at Cloudforce Washington on April 25, 2012, has unveiled a new product suite called Government Cloud. Simply stated, it is a version of the Salesforce cloud infrastructure intended to work with all levels of government to help agencies adapt to social and mobile technologies.

The U.S. Government goes Social

Salesforce’s press release on this topic mentions their intention to help government adapt to the social revolution that is taking place in the public sector. Nudging them in this direction will hopefully close the gap between U.S. citizens and their communication with government professionals. And yes, this is all being done in compliance with FISMA requirements.

You might be curious about the level of acceptance needed to support this new Government Cloud. How did Salesforce pull this one off? Government agencies must have tested and approved the platform to support the creation of a “Cloud” dedicated specifically to government and their social transformation.

According to, two-thirds of US federal Cabinet-level agencies and governments in more than 80 percent of U.S. states trust Salesforce to power their social enterprises. That’s quite a user acceptance rate.

AppExchange for Government

In addition to the Government Cloud, Salesforce has released AppExchange for Government, where agencies can browse, test and deploy cloud apps specific to their needs. They’ve also instituted the Government Partner Accelerator Program to train a team of 1,000 integrators to deploy cloud solutions.

Wow… Talk about the ultimate implementation project.

If you’ve got more info about Salesforce for Government, or questions regarding the topic, feel free to comment below. We want to hear from you.

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