Surveying your customers after they’ve had an interaction with your company is a great way to get real-time feedback on your products and services. But what are you doing with the survey responses? If you’re not implementing them into how you coach your team, you’re not taking full advantage of their potential for impact.
Your customers are giving you feedback and your employees want it.
Customer feedback is only useful if you’re acting upon it, so be consistent. Implement a process for managers to review customer feedback and have conversations with their team about what they did well or how something could have been handled differently. You can use technology to automatically alert managers when customers provide feedback.
Coaching doesn’t have to be complicated. At Internet Creations, we use Simple Survey for Salesforce to automatically send NPS surveys when cases are closed. When a customer responds to a survey, the response is immediately captured in Salesforce, and tasks are automatically created for managers to review feedback, coach their team, and respond to the customer.
A consistent process ensures customer feedback is used in a timely fashion to help coach employees when the interaction is still fresh in the mind.
Learn more about Simple Survey and how it can empower you to be the coach your employees want you to be.