Celebrate customer satisfaction with Simple Survey for Salesforce, Work.com, and Hoopla

Celebrate customer satisfaction with Simple Survey for Salesforce and Hoopla

Hoopla TV

Customer satisfaction has been a buzzword for over a decade. Today, there is more debate over the best survey technique than whether a company should or should not survey its customers.

Internet Creations’ Simple Survey for Salesforce provides companies the flexibility to measure customer satisfaction using either the CSAT, CES, or NPS scoring system. However, collecting customer feedback is just the beginning. As Rob Markey writes in his 2013 Harvard Business Review blog, Five Ways to Learn Nothing from Your Customers’ Feedback, it is how the feedback is or is not used that determines success.

As a 100% native app, it is easy to generate reports and build workflow rules from the data collected by Simple Survey for Salesforce. For example, if Internet Creations receives a customer survey score of 7 or less, a workflow rule immediately prompts a manager to reach out to the customer to find out why we failed to get a 10 out of 10. As Mr. Markey outlined in his blog, it is important to close the loop with customers, and in our opinion, to also act promptly on less than desirable feedback to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Simple Survey Dashboard

It is also critical to recognize, reinforce, and celebrate great feedback! At Internet Creations, we use Salesforce to establish and track a corporate customer satisfaction goal, visible to all employees, which is fed by data collected from Simple Survey for Salesforce. We also use Hoopla to announce, real-time and company-wide across multiple televisions, whenever an employee receives a 10 out of 10 customer satisfaction score. Please feel free to download our insider’s guide, How Internet Creations Measures Customer Satisfaction in Salesforce, to learn more.

Celebrating CSAT scores via HooplaLeveraging both Salesforce and Hoopla, Internet Creations is able to demonstrate the importance of customer satisfaction to our staff and keep it top of mind. If companies choose, they can build individual, team, and division goals in Salesforce that feed into their overall corporate customer satisfaction goal. In this scenario, Salesforce provides the opportunity to create competitions at the individual or team level that could be connected to rewards.

A simple, user-friendly survey tool is important to ensure your customers will respond. More important, a survey tool built on the right platform is imperative to ensure you can successfully leverage the data collected.

Glen Wilson
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Glen Wilson
Glen Wilson
Glen is the Director of Talent at Internet Creations.