Salesforce Summer '15 Release: Enhancements - Archive of IC Blog

Salesforce Summer ’15 Release: Enhancements

summer-15-work recently announced its renewed interest on expanding into more Human Resources departments. As an HR leader already leveraging the Salesforce1 Platform, I’ve seen the value Salesforce presents in strengthening alignment and communication, which in turn increases employee engagement and retention. So I embrace this renewed attention!

Demonstrating sincerity through action, at least in my opinion, is implementing over a dozen customer requests, or Ideas, for in Summer ‘15. Here are a few that I’m most excited about!

Creating & Assigning Goals

To date, has only allowed users to create goals for themselves. In the Summer ‘15 release, it will be possible for a manager to create and assign a goal to their employee! Increasing input from a manager during goal creation will foster stronger alignment between employee, manager, and department.

Expanded Platform Functionality

In Summer ‘15, administrators and users will be able to leverage platform functionality like custom fields, field sets, and validation rules. Another helpful and meaningful addition will be the incorporation of cloning on objects. This will allow a user to clone an entire goal or a metric rather than recreating it from scratch.

Improved Visibility, Sharing, & Metrics

Managers will have a new view to see all goals for their team, and everyone will be able to view goals due by quarter. Also in the Summer ‘15 release, goals can be shared as read only. This will enable a manager to make his/her goals visible to their team without making their staff directly commit to the goal (increasing visibility & alignment).

There has also been an important update to metrics in Summer ‘15. A bug has been fixed for users who commit to a goal. These users will now be able to refresh a metric linked to a Salesforce report, which was originally intended.

Even though the Salesforce Summer ‘15 release cannot claim to be the largest release ever, it is without a doubt delivering quality enhancements. These enhancements, for example, further enable HR leaders to leverage the power of Salesforce to eliminate silos, drive collaboration, increase alignment, and positively impact their company’s bottom line.

Glen Wilson
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Glen Wilson
Glen Wilson
Glen is the Director of Talent at Internet Creations.