Our Takeaways from Dreamforce '17 - Archive of IC Blog

Our Takeaways from Dreamforce ’17

Dreamforce Takeaways

Dreamforce Takeaways

Looking back at this year’s Dreamforce, our team has come back with a lifetime of knowledge and inspiration. The four days went by too quickly and while there’s no way to list everything we learned (it would take days!), we’re presenting you our key takeaways:


Lauren Kamrad, Salesforce Consultant:

IOT is amazing. In the newer release of Salesforce, IOT is becoming declarative requiring much less time to set up. What used to take months with a developer now takes just a few days. In the “IOT Grove,” they had a Lego city set up with a train running through a mountain. The Mountain was equipped with a seismic sensor that would detect avalanches. When the simulated avalanche occurred, it sent a signal to the train to stop and created a case in Salesforce to send someone out to clean up the debris from the track. Once the technician marked the case closed and the debris was cleaned, a signal was sent back to the train to continue its journey. This was all set up with Salesforce and declarative, no coding involved.”


Dan Leibowitz, Account Executive:

It’s all about the customer. There was a huge focus on trailblazers and trailhead this year. The “my” customizations (myLightning, myTrailhead, mySalesforce, etc.) allow customers and companies to customize their experience with Salesforce.  With these updates, many apps and platforms can now be branded with corporate logos and company color schemes.

Howard Yermish, Director of Customer Success

Relationships matter – “I was able to spend a fair amount of time talking with key contacts at the AppExchange and by asking the right questions and making time to talk with those people, I was able to get insight beyond the session as well as appropriate contact information for additional questions.”


George Guhr, Director of Sales

Get your Lightning on. The Sales team is dotting their ‘I’s” and crossing their “T’s” to make sure we can successfully transition to Lightning. Version 4.4 is the most recent version of the Lightning Readiness Report. Be sure you have run one recently to ensure you are getting the latest information.



Jeremy Krebbs, Salesforce Consultant:

“You can now share files with people outside of Salesforce! Customers can always see the latest version without having to email them updates over and over. This goes for anything like image files or Word documents. It removes that annoying process of looking into your email to make sure we have the most up-to-date version of a file.”


Stephen Wood, Account Executive:

Salesforce + Google, Better together. “I’m excited about the partnership with Google. Customers can now surface customer intelligence data between G Suite and Salesforce Lightning (and Quip). This is especially powerful for sales reps who work most hours out of their inbox as this surfaces information from SFDC to inbox.”